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Blue Vervain is a common wild-growing plant in the eastern and central parts of the United States. The leaves and roots of Blue Vervain are a valuable alternative medicine used in homeopathy for insomnia, epilepsy, and other nervous conditions. It has a bitter taste and a cooling energy. As with many herbs with blue or purple flowers, it has a calming action on the nerves. It also has antispasmodic, diaphoretic, astringent, and expectorant properties. It may be used as a bitter to improve liver function and digestion and also as a galactagogue to improve milk production for nursing. Native Americans used the leaves as tea as a ?female tonic.?
The active principles in blue vervain include glycosides, analkaloid, volatile oil, tannin and a bitter principle.
Valerian is a plant found throughout Europe and Northern Asia. In the middle ages, the root was used not only as a medicine but also as a spice, and even as a perfume. Valerian is a powerful nervine and antispasmodic. It has a remarkable influence on the cerebro-spinal system, and is used as a sedative to the higher nerve center in conditions of nervous unrest. It allays pain and promotes sleep. It is of especial use and benefit to those suffering from nervous overstrain, as it possesses none of the after-effects produced by narcotics.
The valerianic acid present in the oil of Valerian root is not the normal acid, but isovalerianic acid, an oily liquid to which the characteristically unpleasant odor of Valerian is due. It is gradually liberated during the process of drying. Valerian also contains two alkaloids.
This herbal extract of Blue Vervain and Valerian Root is not harmful and will not cause product dependency. However, root causes of various nervous conditions should be explored. Such as working at extremely hazardous or stressful jobs, or having hypertensive human relationships. More order and planning of daily, weekly and monthly activites should be made with the idea of making a fair trade of your time for beneficial reciprocities. Today more than ever a person should take command of his or her life. Being a giving person is important but not at the expense of health, energy levels and sensible human trade benefits.
The standard dosage is 12 drops, three times per day. Diminish as the body?s nervous system takes on a state of normalcy. For mild neurosis and nerve twitching, take 15 drops at bedtime to relax and obtain a restful nights sleep. Extract should be taken with water or fruit juice.
*This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Nervania drops are an all natural remedy for anxiety, stress, and stress management.
Nervania Drops
The Five-Flower Formula?
The Five-Flower Formula? is praised throughout the world by health practitioners and lay persons. The formula of five different flower essences ? Clematis, Cherry Plum, Impatiens, Rock Rose, and Star of Bethlehem ? was developed by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930?s through his own practice and observation. Over the years it has come to be regarded as a ?rescue? combination for its remarkable ability to address emergency and crisis conditions.
Paris Drake's Spoken Audio
Paris Drake offers two spoken audio products for stress and anxiety. You can choose from either his Hypnosis For Stress & Anxiety, which is a 35 minute guided meditation, or his A Place Called Sleep natural sleep CD, which is designed to facilitate a restful night's sleep. Many have used these products with success. If you're interested in seeing a few of the testimonials, please click here. If you're interested in more information, you can click here and go to our spoken audio information and ordering page.