LDM-100 (Lomatium Dissectum)
?Lomatium Dissectum? is destined to become one of the most important antibiotic herbs known to man? Ernest T. Krebs, M.D. Carson City, Nevada
Lomatium has many distinctive applications. It has the ability to suppress the growth of 62 types of bacteria and fungi, a very impressive performance for any plant, and also has good antibacterial and antiviral action. Lomatium is employed for treating influenza, coughs, colds, sore throats, and disorders such as hay fever, bronchitis, tuberculosis, and pneumonia. It provides quick-acting relief in cases of viral or bacterial infection, particularly when there are large amounts of thick mucous and infection that are deep-seated and persistent in the lungs.
Lomatium Dissectum was widely employed medicinally by many native North American Indian tribes who considered it to be a universal panacea and used it especially in treating chest problems and skin complaints. This is an important Native American Pacific Northwest anti-viral herb. It works where other anti-virals fall short. Fresh root (alcoholic) extract is the best mode of administration. Lomatium was used during the influenza pandemic of 1917 with reportedly good results.
During the fall of 1918 when the influenza epidemic visited a region of Nevada, the Washoe Indian tribe used Lomatium in the treatment of their sick. Whether a coincidence or not, there was not a single death in the Washoe tribe from influenza or its complications, although Indians living in other parts of the State where the root did not grow died in numbers.
Dr. Max G. Barlow, author of the book on medicinal plants, ?From the Shepherd?s Purse,? worked closely with Dr. E.T. Krebs, Jr. and developed a special fresh root extraction technique for Lomatium Dissectum known as LDM-100.
Lomatium, in some people, may cause a harmless whole-body rash. The rash will disappear once use of the extract is discontinued. Women who are pregnant or lactating should not use Lomatium.
Suggested Dosage: One of the marvelous properties of LDM-100 is that there is no organ toxicity level. Increase the dosage until the desired result occurs. It is usually recommended to start out at 5-10 drops three times a day to 3-5 droppers per day.